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How to Integrate the API Data Center Check with Your Application

You can integrate the API Data Center Check with your application by making an API call to https://ipdatacentercheck.com/api/ip/:ip authorized by x-api-key. Below are examples in different programming languages. The response will include the name of the data center, such as {datacenter: 'AWS'}, if the IP is from a data center, or {datacenter: null} if it is not.

JavaScript (Node.js) Python Ruby PHP Java

const axios = require('axios');

const apiKey = 'your-api-key';
const ip = ''; // Example IP

axios.get(`https://ipdatacentercheck.com/api/ip/${ip}`, {
    headers: {
        'x-api-key': apiKey
.then(response => {
    console.log(response.data); // {datacenter: 'AWS'} or {datacenter: null}
.catch(error => {

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