# Template Parameters: # # KIND=ClickHouseInstallation # SINGULAR=clickhouseinstallation # PLURAL=clickhouseinstallations # SHORT=chi # apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1 kind: CustomResourceDefinition metadata: name: clickhouseinstallations.clickhouse.altinity.com labels: clickhouse.altinity.com/chop: 0.20.0 spec: group: clickhouse.altinity.com scope: Namespaced names: kind: ClickHouseInstallation singular: clickhouseinstallation plural: clickhouseinstallations shortNames: - chi versions: - name: v1 served: true storage: true additionalPrinterColumns: - name: version type: string description: Operator version priority: 1 # show in wide view jsonPath: .status.chop-version - name: clusters type: integer description: Clusters count priority: 0 # show in standard view jsonPath: .status.clusters - name: shards type: integer description: Shards count priority: 1 # show in wide view jsonPath: .status.shards - name: hosts type: integer description: Hosts count priority: 0 # show in standard view jsonPath: .status.hosts - name: taskID type: string description: TaskID priority: 1 # show in wide view jsonPath: .status.taskID - name: status type: string description: CHI status priority: 0 # show in standard view jsonPath: .status.status - name: updated type: integer description: Updated hosts count priority: 1 # show in wide view jsonPath: .status.updated - name: added type: integer description: Added hosts count priority: 1 # show in wide view jsonPath: .status.added - name: deleted type: integer description: Hosts deleted count priority: 1 # show in wide view jsonPath: .status.deleted - name: delete type: integer description: Hosts to be deleted count priority: 1 # show in wide view jsonPath: .status.delete - name: endpoint type: string description: Client access endpoint priority: 1 # show in wide view jsonPath: .status.endpoint - name: age type: date description: Age of the resource # Displayed in all priorities jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp subresources: status: {} schema: openAPIV3Schema: description: "define a set of Kubernetes resources (StatefulSet, PVC, Service, ConfigMap) which describe behavior one or more ClickHouse clusters" type: object required: - spec properties: apiVersion: description: 'APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources' type: string kind: description: 'Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds' type: string metadata: type: object status: type: object description: "Current ClickHouseInstallation manifest status, contains many fields like a normalized configuration, clickhouse-operator version, current action and all applied action list, current taskID and all applied taskIDs and other" properties: chop-version: type: string description: "ClickHouse operator version" chop-commit: type: string description: "ClickHouse operator git commit SHA" chop-date: type: string description: "ClickHouse operator build date" chop-ip: type: string description: "IP address of the operator's pod which managed this CHI" clusters: type: integer minimum: 0 description: "Clusters count" shards: type: integer minimum: 0 description: "Shards count" replicas: type: integer minimum: 0 description: "Replicas count" hosts: type: integer minimum: 0 description: "Hosts count" status: type: string description: "Status" taskID: type: string description: "Current task id" taskIDsStarted: type: array description: "Started task ids" items: type: string taskIDsCompleted: type: array description: "Completed task ids" items: type: string action: type: string description: "Action" actions: type: array description: "Actions" items: type: string error: type: string description: "Last error" errors: type: array description: "Errors" items: type: string updated: type: integer minimum: 0 description: "Updated Hosts count" added: type: integer minimum: 0 description: "Added Hosts count" deleted: type: integer minimum: 0 description: "Deleted Hosts count" delete: type: integer minimum: 0 description: "About to delete Hosts count" pods: type: array description: "Pods" items: type: string pod-ips: type: array description: "Pod IPs" items: type: string fqdns: type: array description: "Pods FQDNs" items: type: string endpoint: type: string description: "Endpoint" generation: type: integer minimum: 0 description: "Generation" normalized: type: object description: "Normalized CHI requested" x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true normalizedCompleted: type: object description: "Normalized CHI completed" x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true spec: type: object # x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true description: | Specification of the desired behavior of one or more ClickHouse clusters More info: https://github.com/Altinity/clickhouse-operator/blob/master/docs/custom_resource_explained.md properties: taskID: type: string description: | Allows to define custom taskID for named update operation and watch status of this update execution in .status.taskIDs field. By default every update of chi manifest will generate random taskID stop: &TypeStringBool type: string description: | Allow stop all ClickHouse clusters described in current chi. Stop mechanism works as follows: - When `stop` is `1` then setup `Replicas: 0` in each related to current `chi` StatefulSet resource, all `Pods` and `Service` resources will desctroy, but PVCs still live - When `stop` is `0` then `Pods` will created again and will attach retained PVCs and `Service` also will created again enum: # List StringBoolXXX constants from model - "" - "0" - "1" - "False" - "false" - "True" - "true" - "No" - "no" - "Yes" - "yes" - "Off" - "off" - "On" - "on" - "Disable" - "disable" - "Enable" - "enable" - "Disabled" - "disabled" - "Enabled" - "enabled" restart: type: string description: "This is a 'soft restart' button. When set to 'RollingUpdate' operator will restart ClickHouse pods in a graceful way. Remove it after the use in order to avoid unneeded restarts" enum: - "" - "RollingUpdate" troubleshoot: <<: *TypeStringBool description: "allows troubleshoot Pods during CrashLoopBack state, when you apply wrong configuration, `clickhouse-server` wouldn't startup" namespaceDomainPattern: type: string description: "custom domain suffix which will add to end of `Service` or `Pod` name, use it when you use custom cluster domain in your Kubernetes cluster" templating: type: object # nullable: true description: "optional, define policy for auto applying ClickHouseInstallationTemplate inside ClickHouseInstallation" properties: policy: type: string description: "when defined as `auto` inside ClickhouseInstallationTemplate, it will auto add into all ClickHouseInstallation, manual value is default" enum: - "auto" - "manual" reconciling: type: object description: "optional, allows tuning reconciling cycle for ClickhouseInstallation from clickhouse-operator side" # nullable: true properties: policy: type: string description: DEPRECATED configMapPropagationTimeout: type: integer description: | timeout in seconds when `clickhouse-operator` will wait when applied `ConfigMap` during reconcile `ClickhouseInstallation` pods will updated from cache see details: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/configmap/#mounted-configmaps-are-updated-automatically minimum: 0 maximum: 3600 cleanup: type: object description: "optional, define behavior for cleanup Kubernetes resources during reconcile cycle" # nullable: true properties: unknownObjects: type: object description: "what clickhouse-operator shall do when found Kubernetes resources which should be managed with clickhouse-operator, but not have `ownerReference` to any currently managed `ClickHouseInstallation` resource, default behavior is `Delete`" # nullable: true properties: statefulSet: &TypeObjectsCleanup type: string description: "behavior policy for unknown StatefulSet, Delete by default" enum: # List ObjectsCleanupXXX constants from model - "Retain" - "Delete" pvc: type: string <<: *TypeObjectsCleanup description: "behavior policy for unknown PVC, Delete by default" configMap: <<: *TypeObjectsCleanup description: "behavior policy for unknown ConfigMap, Delete by default" service: <<: *TypeObjectsCleanup description: "behavior policy for unknown Service, Delete by default" reconcileFailedObjects: type: object description: "what clickhouse-operator shall do when reconciling Kubernetes resources are failed, default behavior is `Retain`" # nullable: true properties: statefulSet: <<: *TypeObjectsCleanup description: "behavior policy for failed StatefulSet reconciling, Retain by default" pvc: <<: *TypeObjectsCleanup description: "behavior policy for failed PVC reconciling, Retain by default" configMap: <<: *TypeObjectsCleanup description: "behavior policy for failed ConfigMap reconciling, Retain by default" service: <<: *TypeObjectsCleanup description: "behavior policy for failed Service reconciling, Retain by default" defaults: type: object description: | define default behavior for whole ClickHouseInstallation, some behavior can be re-define on cluster, shard and replica level More info: https://github.com/Altinity/clickhouse-operator/blob/master/docs/custom_resource_explained.md#specdefaults # nullable: true properties: replicasUseFQDN: <<: *TypeStringBool description: | define should replicas be specified by FQDN in ``. In case of "no" will use short hostname and clickhouse-server will use kubernetes default suffixes for DNS lookup "yes" by default distributedDDL: type: object description: | allows change `` settings More info: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/server-configuration-parameters/settings/#server-settings-distributed_ddl # nullable: true properties: profile: type: string description: "Settings from this profile will be used to execute DDL queries" storageManagement: type: object description: default storage management options properties: provisioner: &TypePVCProvisioner type: string description: "defines `PVC` provisioner - be it StatefulSet or the Operator" enum: - "" - "StatefulSet" - "Operator" reclaimPolicy: &TypePVCReclaimPolicy type: string description: | defines behavior of `PVC` deletion. `Delete` by default, if `Retain` specified then `PVC` will be kept when deleting StatefulSet enum: - "" - "Retain" - "Delete" templates: &TypeTemplateNames type: object description: "optional, configuration of the templates names which will use for generate Kubernetes resources according to one or more ClickHouse clusters described in current ClickHouseInstallation (chi) resource" # nullable: true properties: hostTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.hostTemplates, which will apply to configure every `clickhouse-server` instance during render ConfigMap resources which will mount into `Pod`" podTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.podTemplates, allows customization each `Pod` resource during render and reconcile each StatefulSet.spec resource described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters`" dataVolumeClaimTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.volumeClaimTemplates, allows customization each `PVC` which will mount for clickhouse data directory in each `Pod` during render and reconcile every StatefulSet.spec resource described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters`" logVolumeClaimTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.volumeClaimTemplates, allows customization each `PVC` which will mount for clickhouse log directory in each `Pod` during render and reconcile every StatefulSet.spec resource described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters`" serviceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.serviceTemplates, allows customization for one `Service` resource which will created by `clickhouse-operator` which cover all clusters in whole `chi` resource" clusterServiceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.serviceTemplates, allows customization for each `Service` resource which will created by `clickhouse-operator` which cover each clickhouse cluster described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters`" shardServiceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.serviceTemplates, allows customization for each `Service` resource which will created by `clickhouse-operator` which cover each shard inside clickhouse cluster described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters`" replicaServiceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.serviceTemplates, allows customization for each `Service` resource which will created by `clickhouse-operator` which cover each replica inside each shard inside each clickhouse cluster described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters`" volumeClaimTemplate: type: string description: "DEPRECATED! VolumeClaimTemplate is deprecated in favor of DataVolumeClaimTemplate and LogVolumeClaimTemplate" configuration: type: object description: "allows configure multiple aspects and behavior for `clickhouse-server` instance and also allows describe multiple `clickhouse-server` clusters inside one `chi` resource" # nullable: true properties: zookeeper: &TypeZookeeperConfig type: object description: | allows configure .. section in each `Pod` during generate `ConfigMap` which will mounted in `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/` `clickhouse-operator` itself doesn't manage Zookeeper, please install Zookeeper separatelly look examples on https://github.com/Altinity/clickhouse-operator/tree/master/deploy/zookeeper/ currently, zookeeper (or clickhouse-keeper replacement) used for *ReplicatedMergeTree table engines and for `distributed_ddl` More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/server-configuration-parameters/settings/#server-settings_zookeeper # nullable: true properties: nodes: type: array description: "describe every available zookeeper cluster node for interaction" # nullable: true items: type: object #required: # - host properties: host: type: string description: "dns name or ip address for Zookeeper node" port: type: integer description: "TCP port which used to connect to Zookeeper node" minimum: 0 maximum: 65535 session_timeout_ms: type: integer description: "session timeout during connect to Zookeeper" operation_timeout_ms: type: integer description: "one operation timeout during Zookeeper transactions" root: type: string description: "optional root znode path inside zookeeper to store ClickHouse related data (replication queue or distributed DDL)" identity: type: string description: "optional access credentials string with `user:password` format used when use digest authorization in Zookeeper" users: type: object description: | allows configure .. section in each `Pod` during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/` you can configure password hashed, authorization restrictions, database level security row filters etc. More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/settings/settings-users/ Your yaml code will convert to XML, see examples https://github.com/Altinity/clickhouse-operator/blob/master/docs/custom_resource_explained.md#specconfigurationusers # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true profiles: type: object description: | allows configure .. section in each `Pod` during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/` you can configure any aspect of settings profile More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/settings/settings-profiles/ Your yaml code will convert to XML, see examples https://github.com/Altinity/clickhouse-operator/blob/master/docs/custom_resource_explained.md#specconfigurationprofiles # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true quotas: type: object description: | allows configure .. section in each `Pod` during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/` you can configure any aspect of resource quotas More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/quotas/ Your yaml code will convert to XML, see examples https://github.com/Altinity/clickhouse-operator/blob/master/docs/custom_resource_explained.md#specconfigurationquotas # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true settings: &TypeSettings type: object description: | allows configure `clickhouse-server` settings inside ... tag in each `Pod` during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/` More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/settings/settings/ Your yaml code will convert to XML, see examples https://github.com/Altinity/clickhouse-operator/blob/master/docs/custom_resource_explained.md#specconfigurationsettings # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true files: &TypeFiles type: object description: | allows define content of any setting file inside each `Pod` during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/conf.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/` every key in this object is the file name every value in this object is the file content you can use `!!binary |` and base64 for binary files, see details here https://yaml.org/type/binary.html each key could contains prefix like USERS, COMMON, HOST or config.d, users.d, cond.d, wrong prefixes will ignored, subfolders also will ignored More details: https://github.com/Altinity/clickhouse-operator/blob/master/docs/chi-examples/05-settings-05-files-nested.yaml # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true clusters: type: array description: | describes ClickHouse clusters layout and allows change settings on cluster-level, shard-level and replica-level every cluster is a set of StatefulSet, one StatefulSet contains only one Pod with `clickhouse-server` all Pods will rendered in part of ClickHouse configs, mounted from ConfigMap as `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/chop-generated-remote_servers.xml` Clusters will use for Distributed table engine, more details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/engines/table-engines/special/distributed/ If `cluster` contains zookeeper settings (could be inherited from top `chi` level), when you can create *ReplicatedMergeTree tables # nullable: true items: type: object #required: # - name properties: name: type: string description: "cluster name, used to identify set of ClickHouse servers and wide used during generate names of related Kubernetes resources" minLength: 1 # See namePartClusterMaxLen const maxLength: 15 pattern: "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,15}$" zookeeper: <<: *TypeZookeeperConfig description: | optional, allows configure .. section in each `Pod` only in current ClickHouse cluster, during generate `ConfigMap` which will mounted in `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/` override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.zookeeper` settings settings: <<: *TypeSettings description: | optional, allows configure `clickhouse-server` settings inside ... tag in each `Pod` only in one cluster during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/` override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.settings` More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/settings/settings/ files: <<: *TypeFiles description: | optional, allows define content of any setting file inside each `Pod` on current cluster during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/conf.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/` override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.files` templates: <<: *TypeTemplateNames description: | optional, configuration of the templates names which will use for generate Kubernetes resources according to selected cluster override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.templates` schemaPolicy: type: object description: | describes how schema is propagated within replicas and shards properties: replica: type: string description: "how schema is propagated within a replica" enum: # List SchemaPolicyReplicaXXX constants from model - "None" - "All" shard: type: string description: "how schema is propagated between shards" enum: # List SchemaPolicyShardXXX constants from model - "None" - "All" - "DistributedTablesOnly" secret: type: object description: "optional, shared secret value to secure cluster communications" properties: auto: <<: *TypeStringBool description: "Auto-generate shared secret value to secure cluster communications" value: description: "Cluster shared secret value in plain text" type: string valueFrom: description: "Cluster shared secret source" type: object properties: secretKeyRef: description: | Selects a key of a secret in the clickhouse installation namespace. Should not be used if value is not empty. type: object properties: name: description: | Name of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names type: string key: description: The key of the secret to select from. Must be a valid secret key. type: string optional: description: Specify whether the Secret or its key must be defined type: boolean required: - name - key layout: type: object description: | describe current cluster layout, how much shards in cluster, how much replica in shard allows override settings on each shard and replica separatelly # nullable: true properties: type: type: string description: "DEPRECATED - to be removed soon" shardsCount: type: integer description: "how much shards for current ClickHouse cluster will run in Kubernetes, each shard contains shared-nothing part of data and contains set of replicas, cluster contains 1 shard by default" replicasCount: type: integer description: "how much replicas in each shards for current ClickHouse cluster will run in Kubernetes, each replica is a separate `StatefulSet` which contains only one `Pod` with `clickhouse-server` instance, every shard contains 1 replica by default" shards: type: array description: "optional, allows override top-level `chi.spec.configuration`, cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` settings for each shard separately, use it only if you fully understand what you do" # nullable: true items: type: object properties: name: type: string description: "optional, by default shard name is generated, but you can override it and setup custom name" minLength: 1 # See namePartShardMaxLen const maxLength: 15 pattern: "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,15}$" definitionType: type: string description: "DEPRECATED - to be removed soon" weight: type: integer description: | optional, 1 by default, allows setup shard setting which will use during insert into tables with `Distributed` engine, will apply in inside ConfigMap which will mount in /etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/chop-generated-remote_servers.xml More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/engines/table-engines/special/distributed/ internalReplication: <<: *TypeStringBool description: | optional, `true` by default when `chi.spec.configuration.clusters[].layout.ReplicaCount` > 1 and 0 otherwise allows setup setting which will use during insert into tables with `Distributed` engine for insert only in one live replica and other replicas will download inserted data during replication, will apply in inside ConfigMap which will mount in /etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/chop-generated-remote_servers.xml More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/engines/table-engines/special/distributed/ settings: <<: *TypeSettings description: | optional, allows configure `clickhouse-server` settings inside ... tag in each `Pod` only in one shard during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/` override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.settings` and cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.settings` More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/settings/settings/ files: <<: *TypeFiles description: | optional, allows define content of any setting file inside each `Pod` only in one shard during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/conf.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/` override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.files` and cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.files` templates: <<: *TypeTemplateNames description: | optional, configuration of the templates names which will use for generate Kubernetes resources according to selected shard override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.templates` and cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.templates` replicasCount: type: integer description: | optional, how much replicas in selected shard for selected ClickHouse cluster will run in Kubernetes, each replica is a separate `StatefulSet` which contains only one `Pod` with `clickhouse-server` instance, shard contains 1 replica by default override cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.replicasCount` minimum: 1 replicas: type: array description: | optional, allows override behavior for selected replicas from cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` and shard-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards` # nullable: true items: # Host type: object properties: name: type: string description: "optional, by default replica name is generated, but you can override it and setup custom name" minLength: 1 # See namePartReplicaMaxLen const maxLength: 15 pattern: "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,15}$" secure: type: boolean description: | optional, setup `secure` inside `clickhouse-server` settings for each Pod where current template will apply if specified tcpPort: type: integer description: | optional, setup `Pod.spec.containers.ports` with name `tcp` for selected replica, override `chi.spec.templates.hostTemplates.spec.tcpPort` allows connect to `clickhouse-server` via TCP Native protocol via kubernetes `Service` minimum: 1 maximum: 65535 httpPort: type: integer description: | optional, setup `Pod.spec.containers.ports` with name `http` for selected replica, override `chi.spec.templates.hostTemplates.spec.httpPort` allows connect to `clickhouse-server` via HTTP protocol via kubernetes `Service` minimum: 1 maximum: 65535 interserverHTTPPort: type: integer description: | optional, setup `Pod.spec.containers.ports` with name `interserver` for selected replica, override `chi.spec.templates.hostTemplates.spec.interserverHTTPPort` allows connect between replicas inside same shard during fetch replicated data parts HTTP protocol minimum: 1 maximum: 65535 settings: <<: *TypeSettings description: | optional, allows configure `clickhouse-server` settings inside ... tag in `Pod` only in one replica during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/conf.d/` override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.settings`, cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.settings` and shard-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards.settings` More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/settings/settings/ files: <<: *TypeFiles description: | optional, allows define content of any setting file inside `Pod` only in one replica during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/conf.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/` override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.files`, cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.files` and shard-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards.files` templates: <<: *TypeTemplateNames description: | optional, configuration of the templates names which will use for generate Kubernetes resources according to selected replica override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.templates`, cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.templates` and shard-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards.templates` replicas: type: array description: "optional, allows override top-level `chi.spec.configuration` and cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` configuration for each replica and each shard relates to selected replica, use it only if you fully understand what you do" # nullable: true items: type: object properties: name: type: string description: "optional, by default replica name is generated, but you can override it and setup custom name" minLength: 1 # See namePartShardMaxLen const maxLength: 15 pattern: "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,15}$" settings: <<: *TypeSettings description: | optional, allows configure `clickhouse-server` settings inside ... tag in `Pod` only in one replica during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/conf.d/` override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.settings`, cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.settings` and will ignore if shard-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards` present More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/settings/settings/ files: <<: *TypeFiles description: | optional, allows define content of any setting file inside each `Pod` only in one replica during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/conf.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/` override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.files` and cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.files`, will ignore if `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards` presents templates: <<: *TypeTemplateNames description: | optional, configuration of the templates names which will use for generate Kubernetes resources according to selected replica override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.templates`, cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.templates` shardsCount: type: integer description: "optional, count of shards related to current replica, you can override each shard behavior on low-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.replicas.shards`" minimum: 1 shards: type: array description: "optional, list of shards related to current replica, will ignore if `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards` presents" # nullable: true items: # Host type: object properties: name: type: string description: "optional, by default shard name is generated, but you can override it and setup custom name" minLength: 1 # See namePartReplicaMaxLen const maxLength: 15 pattern: "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,15}$" secure: type: boolean description: | optional, setup `secure` inside `clickhouse-server` settings for each Pod where current template will apply if specified tcpPort: type: integer description: | optional, setup `Pod.spec.containers.ports` with name `tcp` for selected shard, override `chi.spec.templates.hostTemplates.spec.tcpPort` allows connect to `clickhouse-server` via TCP Native protocol via kubernetes `Service` minimum: 1 maximum: 65535 httpPort: type: integer description: | optional, setup `Pod.spec.containers.ports` with name `http` for selected shard, override `chi.spec.templates.hostTemplates.spec.httpPort` allows connect to `clickhouse-server` via HTTP protocol via kubernetes `Service` minimum: 1 maximum: 65535 interserverHTTPPort: type: integer description: | optional, setup `Pod.spec.containers.ports` with name `interserver` for selected shard, override `chi.spec.templates.hostTemplates.spec.interserverHTTPPort` allows connect between replicas inside same shard during fetch replicated data parts HTTP protocol minimum: 1 maximum: 65535 settings: <<: *TypeSettings description: | optional, allows configure `clickhouse-server` settings inside ... tag in `Pod` only in one shard related to current replica during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/conf.d/` override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.settings`, cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.settings` and replica-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.replicas.settings` More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/settings/settings/ files: <<: *TypeFiles description: | optional, allows define content of any setting file inside each `Pod` only in one shard related to current replica during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/conf.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/` override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.files` and cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.files`, will ignore if `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards` presents templates: <<: *TypeTemplateNames description: | optional, configuration of the templates names which will use for generate Kubernetes resources according to selected replica override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.templates`, cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.templates`, replica-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.replicas.templates` templates: type: object description: "allows define templates which will use for render Kubernetes resources like StatefulSet, ConfigMap, Service, PVC, by default, clickhouse-operator have own templates, but you can override it" # nullable: true properties: hostTemplates: type: array description: "hostTemplate will use during apply to generate `clickhose-server` config files" # nullable: true items: type: object #required: # - name properties: name: description: "template name, could use to link inside top-level `chi.spec.defaults.templates.hostTemplate`, cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.templates.hostTemplate`, shard-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards.temlates.hostTemplate`, replica-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.replicas.templates.hostTemplate`" type: string portDistribution: type: array description: "define how will distribute numeric values of named ports in `Pod.spec.containers.ports` and clickhouse-server configs" # nullable: true items: type: object #required: # - type properties: type: type: string description: "type of distribution, when `Unspecified` (default value) then all listen ports on clickhouse-server configuration in all Pods will have the same value, when `ClusterScopeIndex` then ports will increment to offset from base value depends on shard and replica index inside cluster with combination of `chi.spec.templates.podTemlates.spec.HostNetwork` it allows setup ClickHouse cluster inside Kubernetes and provide access via external network bypass Kubernetes internal network" enum: # List PortDistributionXXX constants - "" - "Unspecified" - "ClusterScopeIndex" spec: # Host type: object properties: name: type: string description: "by default, hostname will generate, but this allows define custom name for each `clickhuse-server`" minLength: 1 # See namePartReplicaMaxLen const maxLength: 15 pattern: "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,15}$" secure: type: boolean description: | optional, setup `secure` inside `clickhouse-server` settings for each Pod where current template will apply if specified tcpPort: type: integer description: | optional, setup `tcp_port` inside `clickhouse-server` settings for each Pod where current template will apply if specified, should have equal value with `chi.spec.templates.podTemplates.spec.containers.ports[name=tcp]` More info: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/interfaces/tcp/ minimum: 1 maximum: 65535 httpPort: type: integer description: | optional, setup `http_port` inside `clickhouse-server` settings for each Pod where current template will apply if specified, should have equal value with `chi.spec.templates.podTemplates.spec.containers.ports[name=http]` More info: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/interfaces/http/ minimum: 1 maximum: 65535 interserverHTTPPort: type: integer description: | optional, setup `interserver_http_port` inside `clickhouse-server` settings for each Pod where current template will apply if specified, should have equal value with `chi.spec.templates.podTemplates.spec.containers.ports[name=interserver]` More info: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/server-configuration-parameters/settings/#interserver-http-port minimum: 1 maximum: 65535 settings: <<: *TypeSettings description: | optional, allows configure `clickhouse-server` settings inside ... tag in each `Pod` where this template will apply during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/conf.d/` More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/settings/settings/ files: <<: *TypeFiles description: | optional, allows define content of any setting file inside each `Pod` where this template will apply during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/conf.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/` templates: <<: *TypeTemplateNames description: "be careful, this part of CRD allows override template inside template, don't use it if you don't understand what you do" podTemplates: type: array description: | podTemplate will use during render `Pod` inside `StatefulSet.spec` and allows define rendered `Pod.spec`, pod scheduling distribution and pod zone More information: https://github.com/Altinity/clickhouse-operator/blob/master/docs/custom_resource_explained.md#spectemplatespodtemplates # nullable: true items: type: object #required: # - name properties: name: type: string description: "template name, could use to link inside top-level `chi.spec.defaults.templates.podTemplate`, cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.templates.podTemplate`, shard-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards.temlates.podTemplate`, replica-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.replicas.templates.podTemplate`" generateName: type: string description: "allows define format for generated `Pod` name, look to https://github.com/Altinity/clickhouse-operator/blob/master/docs/custom_resource_explained.md#spectemplatesservicetemplates for details about aviailable template variables" zone: type: object description: "allows define custom zone name and will separate ClickHouse `Pods` between nodes, shortcut for `chi.spec.templates.podTemplates.spec.affinity.podAntiAffinity`" #required: # - values properties: key: type: string description: "optional, if defined, allows select kubernetes nodes by label with `name` equal `key`" values: type: array description: "optional, if defined, allows select kubernetes nodes by label with `value` in `values`" # nullable: true items: type: string distribution: type: string description: "DEPRECATED, shortcut for `chi.spec.templates.podTemplates.spec.affinity.podAntiAffinity`" enum: - "" - "Unspecified" - "OnePerHost" podDistribution: type: array description: "define ClickHouse Pod distibution policy between Kubernetes Nodes inside Shard, Replica, Namespace, CHI, another ClickHouse cluster" # nullable: true items: type: object #required: # - type properties: type: type: string description: "you can define multiple affinity policy types" enum: # List PodDistributionXXX constants - "" - "Unspecified" - "ClickHouseAntiAffinity" - "ShardAntiAffinity" - "ReplicaAntiAffinity" - "AnotherNamespaceAntiAffinity" - "AnotherClickHouseInstallationAntiAffinity" - "AnotherClusterAntiAffinity" - "MaxNumberPerNode" - "NamespaceAffinity" - "ClickHouseInstallationAffinity" - "ClusterAffinity" - "ShardAffinity" - "ReplicaAffinity" - "PreviousTailAffinity" - "CircularReplication" scope: type: string description: "scope for apply each podDistribution" enum: # list PodDistributionScopeXXX constants - "" - "Unspecified" - "Shard" - "Replica" - "Cluster" - "ClickHouseInstallation" - "Namespace" number: type: integer description: "define, how much ClickHouse Pods could be inside selected scope with selected distribution type" minimum: 0 maximum: 65535 topologyKey: type: string description: "use for inter-pod affinity look to `pod.spec.affinity.podAntiAffinity.preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution.podAffinityTerm.topologyKey`, More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/#inter-pod-affinity-and-anti-affinity" spec: # TODO specify PodSpec type: object description: "allows define whole Pod.spec inside StaefulSet.spec, look to https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/#pod-templates for details" # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true metadata: type: object description: | allows pass standard object's metadata from template to Pod More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true volumeClaimTemplates: type: array description: "allows define template for rendering `PVC` kubernetes resource, which would use inside `Pod` for mount clickhouse `data`, clickhouse `logs` or something else" # nullable: true items: type: object #required: # - name # - spec properties: name: type: string description: | template name, could use to link inside top-level `chi.spec.defaults.templates.dataVolumeClaimTemplate` or `chi.spec.defaults.templates.logVolumeClaimTemplate`, cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.templates.dataVolumeClaimTemplate` or `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.templates.logVolumeClaimTemplate`, shard-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards.temlates.dataVolumeClaimTemplate` or `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards.temlates.logVolumeClaimTemplate` replica-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.replicas.templates.dataVolumeClaimTemplate` or `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.replicas.templates.logVolumeClaimTemplate` provisioner: *TypePVCProvisioner reclaimPolicy: *TypePVCReclaimPolicy metadata: type: object description: | allows to pass standard object's metadata from template to PVC More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true spec: type: object description: | allows define all aspects of `PVC` resource More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#persistentvolumeclaims # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true serviceTemplates: type: array description: | allows define template for rendering `Service` which would get endpoint from Pods which scoped chi-wide, cluster-wide, shard-wide, replica-wide level # nullable: true items: type: object #required: # - name # - spec properties: name: type: string description: | template name, could use to link inside chi-level `chi.spec.defaults.templates.serviceTemplate` cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.templates.clusterServiceTemplate` shard-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards.temlates.shardServiceTemplate` replica-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.replicas.templates.replicaServiceTemplate` or `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards.replicas.replicaServiceTemplate` generateName: type: string description: "allows define format for generated `Service` name, look to https://github.com/Altinity/clickhouse-operator/blob/master/docs/custom_resource_explained.md#spectemplatesservicetemplates for details about aviailable template variables" metadata: # TODO specify ObjectMeta type: object description: | allows pass standard object's metadata from template to Service Could be use for define specificly for Cloud Provider metadata which impact to behavior of service More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/ # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true spec: # TODO specify ServiceSpec type: object description: | describe behavior of generated Service More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/ # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true useTemplates: type: array description: "list of `ClickHouseInstallationTemplate` (chit) resource names which will merge with current `Chi` manifest during render Kubernetes resources to create related ClickHouse clusters" # nullable: true items: type: object #required: # - name properties: name: type: string description: "name of `ClickHouseInstallationTemplate` (chit) resource" namespace: type: string description: "Kubernetes namespace where need search `chit` resource, depending on `watchNamespaces` settings in `clichouse-operator`" useType: type: string description: "optional, current strategy is only merge, and current `chi` settings have more priority than merged template `chit`" enum: # List useTypeXXX constants from model - "" - "merge" --- # Template Parameters: # # KIND=ClickHouseInstallationTemplate # SINGULAR=clickhouseinstallationtemplate # PLURAL=clickhouseinstallationtemplates # SHORT=chit # apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1 kind: CustomResourceDefinition metadata: name: clickhouseinstallationtemplates.clickhouse.altinity.com labels: clickhouse.altinity.com/chop: 0.20.0 spec: group: clickhouse.altinity.com scope: Namespaced names: kind: ClickHouseInstallationTemplate singular: clickhouseinstallationtemplate plural: clickhouseinstallationtemplates shortNames: - chit versions: - name: v1 served: true storage: true additionalPrinterColumns: - name: version type: string description: Operator version priority: 1 # show in wide view jsonPath: .status.chop-version - name: clusters type: integer description: Clusters count priority: 0 # show in standard view jsonPath: .status.clusters - name: shards type: integer description: Shards count priority: 1 # show in wide view jsonPath: .status.shards - name: hosts type: integer description: Hosts count priority: 0 # show in standard view jsonPath: .status.hosts - name: taskID type: string description: TaskID priority: 1 # show in wide view jsonPath: .status.taskID - name: status type: string description: CHI status priority: 0 # show in standard view jsonPath: .status.status - name: updated type: integer description: Updated hosts count priority: 1 # show in wide view jsonPath: .status.updated - name: added type: integer description: Added hosts count priority: 1 # show in wide view jsonPath: .status.added - name: deleted type: integer description: Hosts deleted count priority: 1 # show in wide view jsonPath: .status.deleted - name: delete type: integer description: Hosts to be deleted count priority: 1 # show in wide view jsonPath: .status.delete - name: endpoint type: string description: Client access endpoint priority: 1 # show in wide view jsonPath: .status.endpoint - name: age type: date description: Age of the resource # Displayed in all priorities jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp subresources: status: {} schema: openAPIV3Schema: description: "define a set of Kubernetes resources (StatefulSet, PVC, Service, ConfigMap) which describe behavior one or more ClickHouse clusters" type: object required: - spec properties: apiVersion: description: 'APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources' type: string kind: description: 'Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds' type: string metadata: type: object status: type: object description: "Current ClickHouseInstallation manifest status, contains many fields like a normalized configuration, clickhouse-operator version, current action and all applied action list, current taskID and all applied taskIDs and other" properties: chop-version: type: string description: "ClickHouse operator version" chop-commit: type: string description: "ClickHouse operator git commit SHA" chop-date: type: string description: "ClickHouse operator build date" chop-ip: type: string description: "IP address of the operator's pod which managed this CHI" clusters: type: integer minimum: 0 description: "Clusters count" shards: type: integer minimum: 0 description: "Shards count" replicas: type: integer minimum: 0 description: "Replicas count" hosts: type: integer minimum: 0 description: "Hosts count" status: type: string description: "Status" taskID: type: string description: "Current task id" taskIDsStarted: type: array description: "Started task ids" items: type: string taskIDsCompleted: type: array description: "Completed task ids" items: type: string action: type: string description: "Action" actions: type: array description: "Actions" items: type: string error: type: string description: "Last error" errors: type: array description: "Errors" items: type: string updated: type: integer minimum: 0 description: "Updated Hosts count" added: type: integer minimum: 0 description: "Added Hosts count" deleted: type: integer minimum: 0 description: "Deleted Hosts count" delete: type: integer minimum: 0 description: "About to delete Hosts count" pods: type: array description: "Pods" items: type: string pod-ips: type: array description: "Pod IPs" items: type: string fqdns: type: array description: "Pods FQDNs" items: type: string endpoint: type: string description: "Endpoint" generation: type: integer minimum: 0 description: "Generation" normalized: type: object description: "Normalized CHI requested" x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true normalizedCompleted: type: object description: "Normalized CHI completed" x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true spec: type: object # x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true description: | Specification of the desired behavior of one or more ClickHouse clusters More info: https://github.com/Altinity/clickhouse-operator/blob/master/docs/custom_resource_explained.md properties: taskID: type: string description: | Allows to define custom taskID for named update operation and watch status of this update execution in .status.taskIDs field. By default every update of chi manifest will generate random taskID stop: &TypeStringBool type: string description: | Allow stop all ClickHouse clusters described in current chi. Stop mechanism works as follows: - When `stop` is `1` then setup `Replicas: 0` in each related to current `chi` StatefulSet resource, all `Pods` and `Service` resources will desctroy, but PVCs still live - When `stop` is `0` then `Pods` will created again and will attach retained PVCs and `Service` also will created again enum: # List StringBoolXXX constants from model - "" - "0" - "1" - "False" - "false" - "True" - "true" - "No" - "no" - "Yes" - "yes" - "Off" - "off" - "On" - "on" - "Disable" - "disable" - "Enable" - "enable" - "Disabled" - "disabled" - "Enabled" - "enabled" restart: type: string description: "This is a 'soft restart' button. When set to 'RollingUpdate' operator will restart ClickHouse pods in a graceful way. Remove it after the use in order to avoid unneeded restarts" enum: - "" - "RollingUpdate" troubleshoot: <<: *TypeStringBool description: "allows troubleshoot Pods during CrashLoopBack state, when you apply wrong configuration, `clickhouse-server` wouldn't startup" namespaceDomainPattern: type: string description: "custom domain suffix which will add to end of `Service` or `Pod` name, use it when you use custom cluster domain in your Kubernetes cluster" templating: type: object # nullable: true description: "optional, define policy for auto applying ClickHouseInstallationTemplate inside ClickHouseInstallation" properties: policy: type: string description: "when defined as `auto` inside ClickhouseInstallationTemplate, it will auto add into all ClickHouseInstallation, manual value is default" enum: - "auto" - "manual" reconciling: type: object description: "optional, allows tuning reconciling cycle for ClickhouseInstallation from clickhouse-operator side" # nullable: true properties: policy: type: string description: DEPRECATED configMapPropagationTimeout: type: integer description: | timeout in seconds when `clickhouse-operator` will wait when applied `ConfigMap` during reconcile `ClickhouseInstallation` pods will updated from cache see details: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/configmap/#mounted-configmaps-are-updated-automatically minimum: 0 maximum: 3600 cleanup: type: object description: "optional, define behavior for cleanup Kubernetes resources during reconcile cycle" # nullable: true properties: unknownObjects: type: object description: "what clickhouse-operator shall do when found Kubernetes resources which should be managed with clickhouse-operator, but not have `ownerReference` to any currently managed `ClickHouseInstallation` resource, default behavior is `Delete`" # nullable: true properties: statefulSet: &TypeObjectsCleanup type: string description: "behavior policy for unknown StatefulSet, Delete by default" enum: # List ObjectsCleanupXXX constants from model - "Retain" - "Delete" pvc: type: string <<: *TypeObjectsCleanup description: "behavior policy for unknown PVC, Delete by default" configMap: <<: *TypeObjectsCleanup description: "behavior policy for unknown ConfigMap, Delete by default" service: <<: *TypeObjectsCleanup description: "behavior policy for unknown Service, Delete by default" reconcileFailedObjects: type: object description: "what clickhouse-operator shall do when reconciling Kubernetes resources are failed, default behavior is `Retain`" # nullable: true properties: statefulSet: <<: *TypeObjectsCleanup description: "behavior policy for failed StatefulSet reconciling, Retain by default" pvc: <<: *TypeObjectsCleanup description: "behavior policy for failed PVC reconciling, Retain by default" configMap: <<: *TypeObjectsCleanup description: "behavior policy for failed ConfigMap reconciling, Retain by default" service: <<: *TypeObjectsCleanup description: "behavior policy for failed Service reconciling, Retain by default" defaults: type: object description: | define default behavior for whole ClickHouseInstallation, some behavior can be re-define on cluster, shard and replica level More info: https://github.com/Altinity/clickhouse-operator/blob/master/docs/custom_resource_explained.md#specdefaults # nullable: true properties: replicasUseFQDN: <<: *TypeStringBool description: | define should replicas be specified by FQDN in ``. In case of "no" will use short hostname and clickhouse-server will use kubernetes default suffixes for DNS lookup "yes" by default distributedDDL: type: object description: | allows change `` settings More info: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/server-configuration-parameters/settings/#server-settings-distributed_ddl # nullable: true properties: profile: type: string description: "Settings from this profile will be used to execute DDL queries" storageManagement: type: object description: default storage management options properties: provisioner: &TypePVCProvisioner type: string description: "defines `PVC` provisioner - be it StatefulSet or the Operator" enum: - "" - "StatefulSet" - "Operator" reclaimPolicy: &TypePVCReclaimPolicy type: string description: | defines behavior of `PVC` deletion. `Delete` by default, if `Retain` specified then `PVC` will be kept when deleting StatefulSet enum: - "" - "Retain" - "Delete" templates: &TypeTemplateNames type: object description: "optional, configuration of the templates names which will use for generate Kubernetes resources according to one or more ClickHouse clusters described in current ClickHouseInstallation (chi) resource" # nullable: true properties: hostTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.hostTemplates, which will apply to configure every `clickhouse-server` instance during render ConfigMap resources which will mount into `Pod`" podTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.podTemplates, allows customization each `Pod` resource during render and reconcile each StatefulSet.spec resource described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters`" dataVolumeClaimTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.volumeClaimTemplates, allows customization each `PVC` which will mount for clickhouse data directory in each `Pod` during render and reconcile every StatefulSet.spec resource described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters`" logVolumeClaimTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.volumeClaimTemplates, allows customization each `PVC` which will mount for clickhouse log directory in each `Pod` during render and reconcile every StatefulSet.spec resource described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters`" serviceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.serviceTemplates, allows customization for one `Service` resource which will created by `clickhouse-operator` which cover all clusters in whole `chi` resource" clusterServiceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.serviceTemplates, allows customization for each `Service` resource which will created by `clickhouse-operator` which cover each clickhouse cluster described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters`" shardServiceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.serviceTemplates, allows customization for each `Service` resource which will created by `clickhouse-operator` which cover each shard inside clickhouse cluster described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters`" replicaServiceTemplate: type: string description: "optional, template name from chi.spec.templates.serviceTemplates, allows customization for each `Service` resource which will created by `clickhouse-operator` which cover each replica inside each shard inside each clickhouse cluster described in `chi.spec.configuration.clusters`" volumeClaimTemplate: type: string description: "DEPRECATED! VolumeClaimTemplate is deprecated in favor of DataVolumeClaimTemplate and LogVolumeClaimTemplate" configuration: type: object description: "allows configure multiple aspects and behavior for `clickhouse-server` instance and also allows describe multiple `clickhouse-server` clusters inside one `chi` resource" # nullable: true properties: zookeeper: &TypeZookeeperConfig type: object description: | allows configure .. section in each `Pod` during generate `ConfigMap` which will mounted in `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/` `clickhouse-operator` itself doesn't manage Zookeeper, please install Zookeeper separatelly look examples on https://github.com/Altinity/clickhouse-operator/tree/master/deploy/zookeeper/ currently, zookeeper (or clickhouse-keeper replacement) used for *ReplicatedMergeTree table engines and for `distributed_ddl` More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/server-configuration-parameters/settings/#server-settings_zookeeper # nullable: true properties: nodes: type: array description: "describe every available zookeeper cluster node for interaction" # nullable: true items: type: object #required: # - host properties: host: type: string description: "dns name or ip address for Zookeeper node" port: type: integer description: "TCP port which used to connect to Zookeeper node" minimum: 0 maximum: 65535 session_timeout_ms: type: integer description: "session timeout during connect to Zookeeper" operation_timeout_ms: type: integer description: "one operation timeout during Zookeeper transactions" root: type: string description: "optional root znode path inside zookeeper to store ClickHouse related data (replication queue or distributed DDL)" identity: type: string description: "optional access credentials string with `user:password` format used when use digest authorization in Zookeeper" users: type: object description: | allows configure .. section in each `Pod` during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/` you can configure password hashed, authorization restrictions, database level security row filters etc. More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/settings/settings-users/ Your yaml code will convert to XML, see examples https://github.com/Altinity/clickhouse-operator/blob/master/docs/custom_resource_explained.md#specconfigurationusers # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true profiles: type: object description: | allows configure .. section in each `Pod` during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/` you can configure any aspect of settings profile More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/settings/settings-profiles/ Your yaml code will convert to XML, see examples https://github.com/Altinity/clickhouse-operator/blob/master/docs/custom_resource_explained.md#specconfigurationprofiles # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true quotas: type: object description: | allows configure .. section in each `Pod` during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/` you can configure any aspect of resource quotas More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/quotas/ Your yaml code will convert to XML, see examples https://github.com/Altinity/clickhouse-operator/blob/master/docs/custom_resource_explained.md#specconfigurationquotas # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true settings: &TypeSettings type: object description: | allows configure `clickhouse-server` settings inside ... tag in each `Pod` during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/` More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/settings/settings/ Your yaml code will convert to XML, see examples https://github.com/Altinity/clickhouse-operator/blob/master/docs/custom_resource_explained.md#specconfigurationsettings # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true files: &TypeFiles type: object description: | allows define content of any setting file inside each `Pod` during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/conf.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/` every key in this object is the file name every value in this object is the file content you can use `!!binary |` and base64 for binary files, see details here https://yaml.org/type/binary.html each key could contains prefix like USERS, COMMON, HOST or config.d, users.d, cond.d, wrong prefixes will ignored, subfolders also will ignored More details: https://github.com/Altinity/clickhouse-operator/blob/master/docs/chi-examples/05-settings-05-files-nested.yaml # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true clusters: type: array description: | describes ClickHouse clusters layout and allows change settings on cluster-level, shard-level and replica-level every cluster is a set of StatefulSet, one StatefulSet contains only one Pod with `clickhouse-server` all Pods will rendered in part of ClickHouse configs, mounted from ConfigMap as `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/chop-generated-remote_servers.xml` Clusters will use for Distributed table engine, more details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/engines/table-engines/special/distributed/ If `cluster` contains zookeeper settings (could be inherited from top `chi` level), when you can create *ReplicatedMergeTree tables # nullable: true items: type: object #required: # - name properties: name: type: string description: "cluster name, used to identify set of ClickHouse servers and wide used during generate names of related Kubernetes resources" minLength: 1 # See namePartClusterMaxLen const maxLength: 15 pattern: "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,15}$" zookeeper: <<: *TypeZookeeperConfig description: | optional, allows configure .. section in each `Pod` only in current ClickHouse cluster, during generate `ConfigMap` which will mounted in `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/` override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.zookeeper` settings settings: <<: *TypeSettings description: | optional, allows configure `clickhouse-server` settings inside ... tag in each `Pod` only in one cluster during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/` override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.settings` More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/settings/settings/ files: <<: *TypeFiles description: | optional, allows define content of any setting file inside each `Pod` on current cluster during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/conf.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/` override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.files` templates: <<: *TypeTemplateNames description: | optional, configuration of the templates names which will use for generate Kubernetes resources according to selected cluster override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.templates` schemaPolicy: type: object description: | describes how schema is propagated within replicas and shards properties: replica: type: string description: "how schema is propagated within a replica" enum: # List SchemaPolicyReplicaXXX constants from model - "None" - "All" shard: type: string description: "how schema is propagated between shards" enum: # List SchemaPolicyShardXXX constants from model - "None" - "All" - "DistributedTablesOnly" secret: type: object description: "optional, shared secret value to secure cluster communications" properties: auto: <<: *TypeStringBool description: "Auto-generate shared secret value to secure cluster communications" value: description: "Cluster shared secret value in plain text" type: string valueFrom: description: "Cluster shared secret source" type: object properties: secretKeyRef: description: | Selects a key of a secret in the clickhouse installation namespace. Should not be used if value is not empty. type: object properties: name: description: | Name of the referent. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names type: string key: description: The key of the secret to select from. Must be a valid secret key. type: string optional: description: Specify whether the Secret or its key must be defined type: boolean required: - name - key layout: type: object description: | describe current cluster layout, how much shards in cluster, how much replica in shard allows override settings on each shard and replica separatelly # nullable: true properties: type: type: string description: "DEPRECATED - to be removed soon" shardsCount: type: integer description: "how much shards for current ClickHouse cluster will run in Kubernetes, each shard contains shared-nothing part of data and contains set of replicas, cluster contains 1 shard by default" replicasCount: type: integer description: "how much replicas in each shards for current ClickHouse cluster will run in Kubernetes, each replica is a separate `StatefulSet` which contains only one `Pod` with `clickhouse-server` instance, every shard contains 1 replica by default" shards: type: array description: "optional, allows override top-level `chi.spec.configuration`, cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` settings for each shard separately, use it only if you fully understand what you do" # nullable: true items: type: object properties: name: type: string description: "optional, by default shard name is generated, but you can override it and setup custom name" minLength: 1 # See namePartShardMaxLen const maxLength: 15 pattern: "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,15}$" definitionType: type: string description: "DEPRECATED - to be removed soon" weight: type: integer description: | optional, 1 by default, allows setup shard setting which will use during insert into tables with `Distributed` engine, will apply in inside ConfigMap which will mount in /etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/chop-generated-remote_servers.xml More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/engines/table-engines/special/distributed/ internalReplication: <<: *TypeStringBool description: | optional, `true` by default when `chi.spec.configuration.clusters[].layout.ReplicaCount` > 1 and 0 otherwise allows setup setting which will use during insert into tables with `Distributed` engine for insert only in one live replica and other replicas will download inserted data during replication, will apply in inside ConfigMap which will mount in /etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/chop-generated-remote_servers.xml More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/engines/table-engines/special/distributed/ settings: <<: *TypeSettings description: | optional, allows configure `clickhouse-server` settings inside ... tag in each `Pod` only in one shard during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/` override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.settings` and cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.settings` More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/settings/settings/ files: <<: *TypeFiles description: | optional, allows define content of any setting file inside each `Pod` only in one shard during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/conf.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/` override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.files` and cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.files` templates: <<: *TypeTemplateNames description: | optional, configuration of the templates names which will use for generate Kubernetes resources according to selected shard override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.templates` and cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.templates` replicasCount: type: integer description: | optional, how much replicas in selected shard for selected ClickHouse cluster will run in Kubernetes, each replica is a separate `StatefulSet` which contains only one `Pod` with `clickhouse-server` instance, shard contains 1 replica by default override cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.replicasCount` minimum: 1 replicas: type: array description: | optional, allows override behavior for selected replicas from cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` and shard-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards` # nullable: true items: # Host type: object properties: name: type: string description: "optional, by default replica name is generated, but you can override it and setup custom name" minLength: 1 # See namePartReplicaMaxLen const maxLength: 15 pattern: "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,15}$" secure: type: boolean description: | optional, setup `secure` inside `clickhouse-server` settings for each Pod where current template will apply if specified tcpPort: type: integer description: | optional, setup `Pod.spec.containers.ports` with name `tcp` for selected replica, override `chi.spec.templates.hostTemplates.spec.tcpPort` allows connect to `clickhouse-server` via TCP Native protocol via kubernetes `Service` minimum: 1 maximum: 65535 httpPort: type: integer description: | optional, setup `Pod.spec.containers.ports` with name `http` for selected replica, override `chi.spec.templates.hostTemplates.spec.httpPort` allows connect to `clickhouse-server` via HTTP protocol via kubernetes `Service` minimum: 1 maximum: 65535 interserverHTTPPort: type: integer description: | optional, setup `Pod.spec.containers.ports` with name `interserver` for selected replica, override `chi.spec.templates.hostTemplates.spec.interserverHTTPPort` allows connect between replicas inside same shard during fetch replicated data parts HTTP protocol minimum: 1 maximum: 65535 settings: <<: *TypeSettings description: | optional, allows configure `clickhouse-server` settings inside ... tag in `Pod` only in one replica during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/conf.d/` override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.settings`, cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.settings` and shard-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards.settings` More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/settings/settings/ files: <<: *TypeFiles description: | optional, allows define content of any setting file inside `Pod` only in one replica during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/conf.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/` override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.files`, cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.files` and shard-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards.files` templates: <<: *TypeTemplateNames description: | optional, configuration of the templates names which will use for generate Kubernetes resources according to selected replica override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.templates`, cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.templates` and shard-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards.templates` replicas: type: array description: "optional, allows override top-level `chi.spec.configuration` and cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters` configuration for each replica and each shard relates to selected replica, use it only if you fully understand what you do" # nullable: true items: type: object properties: name: type: string description: "optional, by default replica name is generated, but you can override it and setup custom name" minLength: 1 # See namePartShardMaxLen const maxLength: 15 pattern: "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,15}$" settings: <<: *TypeSettings description: | optional, allows configure `clickhouse-server` settings inside ... tag in `Pod` only in one replica during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/conf.d/` override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.settings`, cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.settings` and will ignore if shard-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards` present More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/settings/settings/ files: <<: *TypeFiles description: | optional, allows define content of any setting file inside each `Pod` only in one replica during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/conf.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/` override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.files` and cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.files`, will ignore if `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards` presents templates: <<: *TypeTemplateNames description: | optional, configuration of the templates names which will use for generate Kubernetes resources according to selected replica override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.templates`, cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.templates` shardsCount: type: integer description: "optional, count of shards related to current replica, you can override each shard behavior on low-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.replicas.shards`" minimum: 1 shards: type: array description: "optional, list of shards related to current replica, will ignore if `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards` presents" # nullable: true items: # Host type: object properties: name: type: string description: "optional, by default shard name is generated, but you can override it and setup custom name" minLength: 1 # See namePartReplicaMaxLen const maxLength: 15 pattern: "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,15}$" secure: type: boolean description: | optional, setup `secure` inside `clickhouse-server` settings for each Pod where current template will apply if specified tcpPort: type: integer description: | optional, setup `Pod.spec.containers.ports` with name `tcp` for selected shard, override `chi.spec.templates.hostTemplates.spec.tcpPort` allows connect to `clickhouse-server` via TCP Native protocol via kubernetes `Service` minimum: 1 maximum: 65535 httpPort: type: integer description: | optional, setup `Pod.spec.containers.ports` with name `http` for selected shard, override `chi.spec.templates.hostTemplates.spec.httpPort` allows connect to `clickhouse-server` via HTTP protocol via kubernetes `Service` minimum: 1 maximum: 65535 interserverHTTPPort: type: integer description: | optional, setup `Pod.spec.containers.ports` with name `interserver` for selected shard, override `chi.spec.templates.hostTemplates.spec.interserverHTTPPort` allows connect between replicas inside same shard during fetch replicated data parts HTTP protocol minimum: 1 maximum: 65535 settings: <<: *TypeSettings description: | optional, allows configure `clickhouse-server` settings inside ... tag in `Pod` only in one shard related to current replica during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/conf.d/` override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.settings`, cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.settings` and replica-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.replicas.settings` More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/settings/settings/ files: <<: *TypeFiles description: | optional, allows define content of any setting file inside each `Pod` only in one shard related to current replica during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/conf.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/` override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.files` and cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.files`, will ignore if `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards` presents templates: <<: *TypeTemplateNames description: | optional, configuration of the templates names which will use for generate Kubernetes resources according to selected replica override top-level `chi.spec.configuration.templates`, cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.templates`, replica-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.replicas.templates` templates: type: object description: "allows define templates which will use for render Kubernetes resources like StatefulSet, ConfigMap, Service, PVC, by default, clickhouse-operator have own templates, but you can override it" # nullable: true properties: hostTemplates: type: array description: "hostTemplate will use during apply to generate `clickhose-server` config files" # nullable: true items: type: object #required: # - name properties: name: description: "template name, could use to link inside top-level `chi.spec.defaults.templates.hostTemplate`, cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.templates.hostTemplate`, shard-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards.temlates.hostTemplate`, replica-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.replicas.templates.hostTemplate`" type: string portDistribution: type: array description: "define how will distribute numeric values of named ports in `Pod.spec.containers.ports` and clickhouse-server configs" # nullable: true items: type: object #required: # - type properties: type: type: string description: "type of distribution, when `Unspecified` (default value) then all listen ports on clickhouse-server configuration in all Pods will have the same value, when `ClusterScopeIndex` then ports will increment to offset from base value depends on shard and replica index inside cluster with combination of `chi.spec.templates.podTemlates.spec.HostNetwork` it allows setup ClickHouse cluster inside Kubernetes and provide access via external network bypass Kubernetes internal network" enum: # List PortDistributionXXX constants - "" - "Unspecified" - "ClusterScopeIndex" spec: # Host type: object properties: name: type: string description: "by default, hostname will generate, but this allows define custom name for each `clickhuse-server`" minLength: 1 # See namePartReplicaMaxLen const maxLength: 15 pattern: "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,15}$" secure: type: boolean description: | optional, setup `secure` inside `clickhouse-server` settings for each Pod where current template will apply if specified tcpPort: type: integer description: | optional, setup `tcp_port` inside `clickhouse-server` settings for each Pod where current template will apply if specified, should have equal value with `chi.spec.templates.podTemplates.spec.containers.ports[name=tcp]` More info: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/interfaces/tcp/ minimum: 1 maximum: 65535 httpPort: type: integer description: | optional, setup `http_port` inside `clickhouse-server` settings for each Pod where current template will apply if specified, should have equal value with `chi.spec.templates.podTemplates.spec.containers.ports[name=http]` More info: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/interfaces/http/ minimum: 1 maximum: 65535 interserverHTTPPort: type: integer description: | optional, setup `interserver_http_port` inside `clickhouse-server` settings for each Pod where current template will apply if specified, should have equal value with `chi.spec.templates.podTemplates.spec.containers.ports[name=interserver]` More info: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/server-configuration-parameters/settings/#interserver-http-port minimum: 1 maximum: 65535 settings: <<: *TypeSettings description: | optional, allows configure `clickhouse-server` settings inside ... tag in each `Pod` where this template will apply during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/conf.d/` More details: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/settings/settings/ files: <<: *TypeFiles description: | optional, allows define content of any setting file inside each `Pod` where this template will apply during generate `ConfigMap` which will mount in `/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/conf.d/` or `/etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/` templates: <<: *TypeTemplateNames description: "be careful, this part of CRD allows override template inside template, don't use it if you don't understand what you do" podTemplates: type: array description: | podTemplate will use during render `Pod` inside `StatefulSet.spec` and allows define rendered `Pod.spec`, pod scheduling distribution and pod zone More information: https://github.com/Altinity/clickhouse-operator/blob/master/docs/custom_resource_explained.md#spectemplatespodtemplates # nullable: true items: type: object #required: # - name properties: name: type: string description: "template name, could use to link inside top-level `chi.spec.defaults.templates.podTemplate`, cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.templates.podTemplate`, shard-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards.temlates.podTemplate`, replica-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.replicas.templates.podTemplate`" generateName: type: string description: "allows define format for generated `Pod` name, look to https://github.com/Altinity/clickhouse-operator/blob/master/docs/custom_resource_explained.md#spectemplatesservicetemplates for details about aviailable template variables" zone: type: object description: "allows define custom zone name and will separate ClickHouse `Pods` between nodes, shortcut for `chi.spec.templates.podTemplates.spec.affinity.podAntiAffinity`" #required: # - values properties: key: type: string description: "optional, if defined, allows select kubernetes nodes by label with `name` equal `key`" values: type: array description: "optional, if defined, allows select kubernetes nodes by label with `value` in `values`" # nullable: true items: type: string distribution: type: string description: "DEPRECATED, shortcut for `chi.spec.templates.podTemplates.spec.affinity.podAntiAffinity`" enum: - "" - "Unspecified" - "OnePerHost" podDistribution: type: array description: "define ClickHouse Pod distibution policy between Kubernetes Nodes inside Shard, Replica, Namespace, CHI, another ClickHouse cluster" # nullable: true items: type: object #required: # - type properties: type: type: string description: "you can define multiple affinity policy types" enum: # List PodDistributionXXX constants - "" - "Unspecified" - "ClickHouseAntiAffinity" - "ShardAntiAffinity" - "ReplicaAntiAffinity" - "AnotherNamespaceAntiAffinity" - "AnotherClickHouseInstallationAntiAffinity" - "AnotherClusterAntiAffinity" - "MaxNumberPerNode" - "NamespaceAffinity" - "ClickHouseInstallationAffinity" - "ClusterAffinity" - "ShardAffinity" - "ReplicaAffinity" - "PreviousTailAffinity" - "CircularReplication" scope: type: string description: "scope for apply each podDistribution" enum: # list PodDistributionScopeXXX constants - "" - "Unspecified" - "Shard" - "Replica" - "Cluster" - "ClickHouseInstallation" - "Namespace" number: type: integer description: "define, how much ClickHouse Pods could be inside selected scope with selected distribution type" minimum: 0 maximum: 65535 topologyKey: type: string description: "use for inter-pod affinity look to `pod.spec.affinity.podAntiAffinity.preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution.podAffinityTerm.topologyKey`, More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/#inter-pod-affinity-and-anti-affinity" spec: # TODO specify PodSpec type: object description: "allows define whole Pod.spec inside StaefulSet.spec, look to https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/#pod-templates for details" # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true metadata: type: object description: | allows pass standard object's metadata from template to Pod More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true volumeClaimTemplates: type: array description: "allows define template for rendering `PVC` kubernetes resource, which would use inside `Pod` for mount clickhouse `data`, clickhouse `logs` or something else" # nullable: true items: type: object #required: # - name # - spec properties: name: type: string description: | template name, could use to link inside top-level `chi.spec.defaults.templates.dataVolumeClaimTemplate` or `chi.spec.defaults.templates.logVolumeClaimTemplate`, cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.templates.dataVolumeClaimTemplate` or `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.templates.logVolumeClaimTemplate`, shard-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards.temlates.dataVolumeClaimTemplate` or `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards.temlates.logVolumeClaimTemplate` replica-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.replicas.templates.dataVolumeClaimTemplate` or `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.replicas.templates.logVolumeClaimTemplate` provisioner: *TypePVCProvisioner reclaimPolicy: *TypePVCReclaimPolicy metadata: type: object description: | allows to pass standard object's metadata from template to PVC More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true spec: type: object description: | allows define all aspects of `PVC` resource More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#persistentvolumeclaims # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true serviceTemplates: type: array description: | allows define template for rendering `Service` which would get endpoint from Pods which scoped chi-wide, cluster-wide, shard-wide, replica-wide level # nullable: true items: type: object #required: # - name # - spec properties: name: type: string description: | template name, could use to link inside chi-level `chi.spec.defaults.templates.serviceTemplate` cluster-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.templates.clusterServiceTemplate` shard-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards.temlates.shardServiceTemplate` replica-level `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.replicas.templates.replicaServiceTemplate` or `chi.spec.configuration.clusters.layout.shards.replicas.replicaServiceTemplate` generateName: type: string description: "allows define format for generated `Service` name, look to https://github.com/Altinity/clickhouse-operator/blob/master/docs/custom_resource_explained.md#spectemplatesservicetemplates for details about aviailable template variables" metadata: # TODO specify ObjectMeta type: object description: | allows pass standard object's metadata from template to Service Could be use for define specificly for Cloud Provider metadata which impact to behavior of service More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/ # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true spec: # TODO specify ServiceSpec type: object description: | describe behavior of generated Service More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/ # nullable: true x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true useTemplates: type: array description: "list of `ClickHouseInstallationTemplate` (chit) resource names which will merge with current `Chi` manifest during render Kubernetes resources to create related ClickHouse clusters" # nullable: true items: type: object #required: # - name properties: name: type: string description: "name of `ClickHouseInstallationTemplate` (chit) resource" namespace: type: string description: "Kubernetes namespace where need search `chit` resource, depending on `watchNamespaces` settings in `clichouse-operator`" useType: type: string description: "optional, current strategy is only merge, and current `chi` settings have more priority than merged template `chit`" enum: # List useTypeXXX constants from model - "" - "merge" --- # Template Parameters: # # NONE # apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1 kind: CustomResourceDefinition metadata: name: clickhouseoperatorconfigurations.clickhouse.altinity.com labels: clickhouse.altinity.com/chop: 0.20.0 spec: group: clickhouse.altinity.com scope: Namespaced names: kind: ClickHouseOperatorConfiguration singular: clickhouseoperatorconfiguration plural: clickhouseoperatorconfigurations shortNames: - chopconf versions: - name: v1 served: true storage: true additionalPrinterColumns: - name: namespaces type: string description: Watch namespaces priority: 0 # show in standard view jsonPath: .status - name: age type: date description: Age of the resource # Displayed in all priorities jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp schema: openAPIV3Schema: type: object description: "allows customize `clickhouse-operator` settings, need restart clickhouse-operator pod after adding, more details https://github.com/Altinity/clickhouse-operator/blob/master/docs/operator_configuration.md" x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true properties: status: type: object x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true spec: type: object description: | Allows to define settings of the clickhouse-operator. More info: https://github.com/Altinity/clickhouse-operator/blob/master/config/config.yaml Check into etc-clickhouse-operator* ConfigMaps if you need more control x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true properties: watch: type: object description: "Parameters for watch kubernetes resources which used by clickhouse-operator deployment" properties: namespaces: type: array description: "List of namespaces where clickhouse-operator watches for events." items: type: string clickhouse: type: object description: "Clickhouse related parameters used by clickhouse-operator" properties: configuration: type: object properties: file: type: object properties: path: type: object properties: common: type: string description: "Path to the folder where ClickHouse configuration files common for all instances within a CHI are located. Default - config.d" host: type: string description: "Path to the folder where ClickHouse configuration files unique for each instance (host) within a CHI are located. Default - conf.d" user: type: string description: "Path to the folder where ClickHouse configuration files with users settings are located. Files are common for all instances within a CHI. Default - users.d" user: type: object description: "Default parameters for any user which will create" properties: default: type: object properties: profile: type: string description: "ClickHouse server configuration `...` for any " quota: type: string description: "ClickHouse server configuration `...` for any " networksIP: type: array description: "ClickHouse server configuration `...` for any " items: type: string password: type: string description: "ClickHouse server configuration `...` for any " network: type: object description: "Default network parameters for any user which will create" properties: hostRegexpTemplate: type: string description: "ClickHouse server configuration `...` for any " access: type: object description: "parameters which use for connect to clickhouse from clickhouse-operator deployment" properties: scheme: type: string description: "The scheme to user for connecting to ClickHouse. One of http or https" username: type: string description: "ClickHouse username to be used by operator to connect to ClickHouse instances, deprecated, use chCredentialsSecretName" password: type: string description: "ClickHouse password to be used by operator to connect to ClickHouse instances, deprecated, use chCredentialsSecretName" rootCA: type: string description: "Root certificate authority that clients use when verifying server certificates. Used for https connection to ClickHouse" secret: type: object properties: namespace: type: string description: "Location of k8s Secret with username and password to be used by operator to connect to ClickHouse instances" name: type: string description: "Name of k8s Secret with username and password to be used by operator to connect to ClickHouse instances" port: type: integer minimum: 1 maximum: 65535 description: "Port to be used by operator to connect to ClickHouse instances" timeouts: type: object description: "Timeouts used to limit connection and queries from the operator to ClickHouse instances, In seconds" properties: connect: type: integer minimum: 1 maximum: 10 description: "Connect timeout. In seconds." query: type: integer minimum: 1 maximum: 600 description: "Query timeout. In seconds." template: type: object description: "Parameters which are used if you want to generate ClickHouseInstallationTemplate custom resources from files which are stored inside clickhouse-operator deployment" properties: chi: type: object properties: path: type: string description: "Path to folder where ClickHouseInstallationTemplate .yaml manifests are located." reconcile: type: object description: "allow tuning reconciling process" properties: runtime: type: object description: "runtime parameters for clickhouse-operator process which use during reconciling" properties: threadsNumber: type: integer minimum: 1 maximum: 65535 description: "How many goroutines will be used to reconcile in parallel, 10 by default" statefulSet: type: object description: "Allow change default behavior for reconciling StatefulSet which generated by clickhouse-operator" properties: create: type: object description: "Behavior during create StatefulSet" properties: onFailure: type: string description: | What to do in case created StatefulSet is not in Ready after `statefulSetUpdateTimeout` seconds Possible options: 1. abort - do nothing, just break the process and wait for admin. 2. delete - delete newly created problematic StatefulSet. 3. ignore (default) - ignore error, pretend nothing happened and move on to the next StatefulSet. update: type: object description: "Behavior during update StatefulSet" properties: timeout: type: integer description: "How many seconds to wait for created/updated StatefulSet to be Ready" pollInterval: type: integer description: "How many seconds to wait between checks for created/updated StatefulSet status" onFailure: type: string description: | What to do in case updated StatefulSet is not in Ready after `statefulSetUpdateTimeout` seconds Possible options: 1. abort - do nothing, just break the process and wait for admin. 2. rollback (default) - delete Pod and rollback StatefulSet to previous Generation. Pod would be recreated by StatefulSet based on rollback-ed configuration. 3. ignore - ignore error, pretend nothing happened and move on to the next StatefulSet. host: type: object description: "allow define how to wait host include to system.cluster behavior during scale up and scale down cluster operations" properties: wait: type: object properties: exclude: &TypeStringBool type: string description: "wait when a pod will be removed from the cluster" enum: # List StringBoolXXX constants from model - "" - "0" - "1" - "False" - "false" - "True" - "true" - "No" - "no" - "Yes" - "yes" - "Off" - "off" - "On" - "on" - "Disable" - "disable" - "Enable" - "enable" - "Disabled" - "disabled" - "Enabled" - "enabled" include: <<: *TypeStringBool description: "wait when a pod will be added to the cluster" annotation: type: object description: "defines which metadata.annotations items will include or exclude during render StatefulSet, Pod, PVC resources" properties: include: type: array description: | When propagating labels from the chi's `metadata.annotations` section to child objects' `metadata.annotations`, include annotations with names from the following list items: type: string exclude: type: array description: | When propagating labels from the chi's `metadata.annotations` section to child objects' `metadata.annotations`, exclude annotations with names from the following list items: type: string label: type: object description: "defines which metadata.labels will include or exclude during render StatefulSet, Pod, PVC resources" properties: include: type: array description: | When propagating labels from the chi's `metadata.labels` section to child objects' `metadata.labels`, include labels from the following list items: type: string exclude: type: array items: type: string description: | When propagating labels from the chi's `metadata.labels` section to child objects' `metadata.labels`, exclude labels from the following list appendScope: <<: *TypeStringBool description: | Whether to append *Scope* labels to StatefulSet and Pod - "LabelShardScopeIndex" - "LabelReplicaScopeIndex" - "LabelCHIScopeIndex" - "LabelCHIScopeCycleSize" - "LabelCHIScopeCycleIndex" - "LabelCHIScopeCycleOffset" - "LabelClusterScopeIndex" - "LabelClusterScopeCycleSize" - "LabelClusterScopeCycleIndex" - "LabelClusterScopeCycleOffset" statefulSet: type: object description: "define StatefulSet-specific parameters" properties: revisionHistoryLimit: type: integer description: | revisionHistoryLimit is the maximum number of revisions that will be maintained in the StatefulSet's revision history. Look details in `statefulset.spec.revisionHistoryLimit` pod: type: object description: "define pod specific parameters" properties: terminationGracePeriod: type: integer description: | Optional duration in seconds the pod needs to terminate gracefully. Look details in `pod.spec.terminationGracePeriodSeconds` logger: type: object description: "allow setup clickhouse-operator logger behavior" properties: logtostderr: type: string description: "boolean, allows logs to stderr" alsologtostderr: type: string description: "boolean allows logs to stderr and files both" v: type: string description: "verbosity level of clickhouse-operator log, default - 1 max - 9" stderrthreshold: type: string vmodule: type: string description: | Comma-separated list of filename=N, where filename (can be a pattern) must have no .go ext, and N is a V level. Ex.: file*=2 sets the 'V' to 2 in all files with names like file*. log_backtrace_at: type: string description: | It can be set to a file and line number with a logging line. Ex.: file.go:123 Each time when this line is being executed, a stack trace will be written to the Info log. --- # Template Parameters: # # COMMENT= # NAMESPACE=kube-system # NAME=clickhouse-operator # # Setup ServiceAccount apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: clickhouse-operator namespace: kube-system labels: clickhouse.altinity.com/chop: 0.20.0 --- # Template Parameters: # # NAMESPACE=kube-system # COMMENT=# # ROLE_KIND=ClusterRole # ROLE_NAME=clickhouse-operator-kube-system # ROLE_BINDING_KIND=ClusterRoleBinding # ROLE_BINDING_NAME=clickhouse-operator-kube-system # apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: clickhouse-operator-kube-system #namespace: kube-system labels: clickhouse.altinity.com/chop: 0.20.0 rules: - apiGroups: - "" resources: - configmaps - services - persistentvolumeclaims verbs: - get - list - patch - update - watch - create - delete - apiGroups: - "" resources: - endpoints verbs: - get - list - watch - apiGroups: - "" resources: - events verbs: - create - apiGroups: - "" resources: - persistentvolumes - pods verbs: - get - list - patch - update - watch - apiGroups: - apps resources: - statefulsets verbs: - get - list - patch - update - watch - create - delete - apiGroups: - apps resources: - replicasets verbs: - get - patch - update - delete - apiGroups: - apps resourceNames: - clickhouse-operator resources: - deployments verbs: - get - patch - update - delete - apiGroups: - policy resources: - poddisruptionbudgets verbs: - get - list - patch - update - watch - create - delete - apiGroups: - clickhouse.altinity.com resources: - clickhouseinstallations verbs: - get - patch - update - delete - apiGroups: - clickhouse.altinity.com resources: - clickhouseinstallations - clickhouseinstallationtemplates - clickhouseoperatorconfigurations verbs: - get - list - watch - apiGroups: - clickhouse.altinity.com resources: - clickhouseinstallations/finalizers - clickhouseinstallationtemplates/finalizers - clickhouseoperatorconfigurations/finalizers verbs: - update - apiGroups: - clickhouse.altinity.com resources: - clickhouseinstallations/status - clickhouseinstallationtemplates/status - clickhouseoperatorconfigurations/status verbs: - get - update - patch - create - delete - apiGroups: - "" resources: - secrets verbs: - get - list - apiGroups: - apiextensions.k8s.io resources: - customresourcedefinitions verbs: - get - list --- # Setup ClusterRoleBinding between ClusterRole and ServiceAccount. # ClusterRoleBinding is namespace-less and must have unique name apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1 kind: ClusterRoleBinding metadata: name: clickhouse-operator-kube-system #namespace: kube-system labels: clickhouse.altinity.com/chop: 0.20.0 roleRef: apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io kind: ClusterRole name: clickhouse-operator-kube-system subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: clickhouse-operator namespace: kube-system --- # Template Parameters: # # NAME=etc-clickhouse-operator-files # NAMESPACE=kube-system # COMMENT= # apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: etc-clickhouse-operator-files namespace: kube-system labels: clickhouse.altinity.com/chop: 0.20.0 app: clickhouse-operator data: config.yaml: | # IMPORTANT # This file is auto-generated # Do not edit this file - all changes would be lost # Edit appropriate template in the following folder: # deploy/builder/templates-config # IMPORTANT # # Template parameters available: # WATCH_NAMESPACES= # CH_USERNAME_PLAIN= # CH_PASSWORD_PLAIN= # CH_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_NAMESPACE= # CH_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_NAME=clickhouse-operator ################################################ ## ## Watch Section ## ################################################ watch: # List of namespaces where clickhouse-operator watches for events. # Concurrently running operators should watch on different namespaces. #namespaces: ["dev", "test"] namespaces: [] clickhouse: configuration: ################################################ ## ## Configuration Files Section ## ################################################ file: path: # Path to the folder where ClickHouse configuration files common for all instances within a CHI are located. common: config.d # Path to the folder where ClickHouse configuration files unique for each instance (host) within a CHI are located. host: conf.d # Path to the folder where ClickHouse configuration files with users' settings are located. # Files are common for all instances within a CHI. user: users.d ################################################ ## ## Configuration Users Section ## ################################################ user: default: # Default values for ClickHouse user configuration # 1. user/profile - string # 2. user/quota - string # 3. user/networks/ip - multiple strings # 4. user/password - string profile: default quota: default networksIP: - "::1" - "" password: "default" ################################################ ## ## Configuration Network Section ## ################################################ network: # Default host_regexp to limit network connectivity from outside hostRegexpTemplate: "(chi-{chi}-[^.]+\\d+-\\d+|clickhouse\\-{chi})\\.{namespace}\\.svc\\.cluster\\.local$" ################################################ ## ## Access to ClickHouse instances ## ################################################ access: # Possible values for `scheme` are: # 1. http # 2. https scheme: "" # ClickHouse credentials (username, password and port) to be used by the operator to connect to ClickHouse instances. # Used for: # 1. Metrics requests # 2. Schema maintenance # 3. DROP DNS CACHE # User with these credentials can be specified in additional ClickHouse .xml config files, # located in `clickhouse.configuration.file.path.user` folder username: "" password: "" rootCA: "" # Location of the k8s Secret with username and password to be used by the operator to connect to ClickHouse instances. # Can be used instead of explicitly specified username and password which are: # clickhouse.access.username # clickhouse.access.password # Secret should have two keys: # 1. username # 2. password secret: # Empty `namespace` means that k8s secret would be looked in the same namespace where operator's pod is running. namespace: "" # Empty `name` means no k8s Secret would be looked for name: "clickhouse-operator" # Port where to connect to ClickHouse instances to port: 8123 # Timeouts used to limit connection and queries from the operator to ClickHouse instances # Specified in seconds. timeouts: connect: 2 query: 5 ################################################ ## ## Templates Section ## ################################################ template: chi: # Path to the folder where ClickHouseInstallation .yaml manifests are located. # Manifests are applied in sorted alpha-numeric order. path: templates.d ################################################ ## ## Reconcile Section ## ################################################ reconcile: runtime: # Max number of concurrent reconciles in progress threadsNumber: 10 statefulSet: create: # What to do in case created StatefulSet is not in 'Ready' after `reconcile.statefulSet.update.timeout` seconds # Possible options: # 1. abort - do nothing, just break the process and wait for an admin to assist # 2. delete - delete newly created problematic StatefulSet # 3. ignore - ignore an error, pretend nothing happened and move on to the next StatefulSet onFailure: ignore update: # How many seconds to wait for created/updated StatefulSet to be 'Ready' timeout: 300 # How many seconds to wait between checks/polls for created/updated StatefulSet status pollInterval: 5 # What to do in case updated StatefulSet is not in 'Ready' after `reconcile.statefulSet.update.timeout` seconds # Possible options: # 1. abort - do nothing, just break the process and wait for an admin to assist # 2. rollback - delete Pod and rollback StatefulSet to previous Generation. # Pod would be recreated by StatefulSet based on rollback-ed configuration # 3. ignore - ignore an error, pretend nothing happened and move on to the next StatefulSet onFailure: rollback host: # Whether reconciler should wait for a host: # - to be excluded from a cluster # OR # - to be included into a cluster # respectfully wait: exclude: true include: false ################################################ ## ## Annotations management ## ################################################ annotation: # Applied when: # 1. Propagating annotations from the CHI's `metadata.annotations` to child objects' `metadata.annotations`, # 2. Propagating annotations from the CHI Template's `metadata.annotations` to CHI's `metadata.annotations`, # Include annotations from the following list: # Applied only when not empty. Empty list means "include all, no selection" include: [] # Exclude annotations from the following list: exclude: [] ################################################ ## ## Labels management ## ################################################ label: # Applied when: # 1. Propagating labels from the CHI's `metadata.labels` to child objects' `metadata.labels`, # 2. Propagating labels from the CHI Template's `metadata.labels` to CHI's `metadata.labels`, # Include labels from the following list: # Applied only when not empty. Empty list means "include all, no selection" include: [] # Exclude labels from the following list: # Applied only when not empty. Empty list means "nothing to exclude, no selection" exclude: [] # Whether to append *Scope* labels to StatefulSet and Pod. # Full list of available *scope* labels check in 'labeler.go' # LabelShardScopeIndex # LabelReplicaScopeIndex # LabelCHIScopeIndex # LabelCHIScopeCycleSize # LabelCHIScopeCycleIndex # LabelCHIScopeCycleOffset # LabelClusterScopeIndex # LabelClusterScopeCycleSize # LabelClusterScopeCycleIndex # LabelClusterScopeCycleOffset appendScope: "no" ################################################ ## ## StatefulSet management ## ################################################ statefulSet: revisionHistoryLimit: 0 ################################################ ## ## Pod management ## ################################################ pod: # Grace period for Pod termination. # How many seconds to wait between sending # SIGTERM and SIGKILL during Pod termination process. # Increase this number is case of slow shutdown. terminationGracePeriod: 30 ################################################ ## ## Log parameters ## ################################################ logger: logtostderr: "true" alsologtostderr: "false" v: "1" stderrthreshold: "" vmodule: "" log_backtrace_at: "" --- # Template Parameters: # # NAME=etc-clickhouse-operator-confd-files # NAMESPACE=kube-system # COMMENT= # apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: etc-clickhouse-operator-confd-files namespace: kube-system labels: clickhouse.altinity.com/chop: 0.20.0 app: clickhouse-operator data: --- # Template Parameters: # # NAME=etc-clickhouse-operator-configd-files # NAMESPACE=kube-system # COMMENT= # apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: etc-clickhouse-operator-configd-files namespace: kube-system labels: clickhouse.altinity.com/chop: 0.20.0 app: clickhouse-operator data: 01-clickhouse-01-listen.xml: | :: 1 01-clickhouse-02-logger.xml: | debug /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.log /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.err.log 1000M 10 1 01-clickhouse-03-query_log.xml: | system query_log
Engine = MergeTree PARTITION BY event_date ORDER BY event_time TTL event_date + interval 30 day 7500
01-clickhouse-04-part_log.xml: | system part_log
Engine = MergeTree PARTITION BY event_date ORDER BY event_time TTL event_date + interval 30 day 7500
--- # Template Parameters: # # NAME=etc-clickhouse-operator-templatesd-files # NAMESPACE=kube-system # COMMENT= # apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: etc-clickhouse-operator-templatesd-files namespace: kube-system labels: clickhouse.altinity.com/chop: 0.20.0 app: clickhouse-operator data: 001-templates.json.example: | { "apiVersion": "clickhouse.altinity.com/v1", "kind": "ClickHouseInstallationTemplate", "metadata": { "name": "01-default-volumeclaimtemplate" }, "spec": { "templates": { "volumeClaimTemplates": [ { "name": "chi-default-volume-claim-template", "spec": { "accessModes": [ "ReadWriteOnce" ], "resources": { "requests": { "storage": "2Gi" } } } } ], "podTemplates": [ { "name": "chi-default-oneperhost-pod-template", "distribution": "OnePerHost", "spec": { "containers" : [ { "name": "clickhouse", "image": "clickhouse/clickhouse-server:22.3", "ports": [ { "name": "http", "containerPort": 8123 }, { "name": "client", "containerPort": 9000 }, { "name": "interserver", "containerPort": 9009 } ] } ] } } ] } } } default-pod-template.yaml.example: | apiVersion: "clickhouse.altinity.com/v1" kind: "ClickHouseInstallationTemplate" metadata: name: "default-oneperhost-pod-template" spec: templates: podTemplates: - name: default-oneperhost-pod-template distribution: "OnePerHost" default-storage-template.yaml.example: | apiVersion: "clickhouse.altinity.com/v1" kind: "ClickHouseInstallationTemplate" metadata: name: "default-storage-template-2Gi" spec: templates: volumeClaimTemplates: - name: default-storage-template-2Gi spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 2Gi readme: | Templates in this folder are packaged with an operator and available via 'useTemplate' --- # Template Parameters: # # NAME=etc-clickhouse-operator-usersd-files # NAMESPACE=kube-system # COMMENT= # apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: etc-clickhouse-operator-usersd-files namespace: kube-system labels: clickhouse.altinity.com/chop: 0.20.0 app: clickhouse-operator data: 01-clickhouse-user.xml: | clickhouse_operator default 0 1 10 02-clickhouse-default-profile.xml: | 1 1000 1 1 03-database-ordinary.xml: | Ordinary --- # # Template parameters available: # NAMESPACE=kube-system # COMMENT= # OPERATOR_VERSION=0.20.0 # CH_USERNAME_SECRET_PLAIN=clickhouse_operator # CH_PASSWORD_SECRET_PLAIN=clickhouse_operator_password # apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: clickhouse-operator namespace: kube-system labels: clickhouse.altinity.com/chop: 0.20.0 app: clickhouse-operator type: Opaque stringData: username: clickhouse_operator password: clickhouse_operator_password --- # Template Parameters: # # NAMESPACE=kube-system # COMMENT= # OPERATOR_IMAGE=altinity/clickhouse-operator:0.20.0 # OPERATOR_IMAGE_PULL_POLICY=Always # METRICS_EXPORTER_IMAGE=altinity/metrics-exporter:0.20.0 # METRICS_EXPORTER_IMAGE_PULL_POLICY=Always # # Setup Deployment for clickhouse-operator # Deployment would be created in kubectl-specified namespace kind: Deployment apiVersion: apps/v1 metadata: name: clickhouse-operator namespace: kube-system labels: clickhouse.altinity.com/chop: 0.20.0 app: clickhouse-operator spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: clickhouse-operator template: metadata: labels: app: clickhouse-operator annotations: prometheus.io/port: '8888' prometheus.io/scrape: 'true' spec: serviceAccountName: clickhouse-operator volumes: - name: etc-clickhouse-operator-folder configMap: name: etc-clickhouse-operator-files - name: etc-clickhouse-operator-confd-folder configMap: name: etc-clickhouse-operator-confd-files - name: etc-clickhouse-operator-configd-folder configMap: name: etc-clickhouse-operator-configd-files - name: etc-clickhouse-operator-templatesd-folder configMap: name: etc-clickhouse-operator-templatesd-files - name: etc-clickhouse-operator-usersd-folder configMap: name: etc-clickhouse-operator-usersd-files containers: - name: clickhouse-operator image: altinity/clickhouse-operator:0.20.0 imagePullPolicy: Always volumeMounts: - name: etc-clickhouse-operator-folder mountPath: /etc/clickhouse-operator - name: etc-clickhouse-operator-confd-folder mountPath: /etc/clickhouse-operator/conf.d - name: etc-clickhouse-operator-configd-folder mountPath: /etc/clickhouse-operator/config.d - name: etc-clickhouse-operator-templatesd-folder mountPath: /etc/clickhouse-operator/templates.d - name: etc-clickhouse-operator-usersd-folder mountPath: /etc/clickhouse-operator/users.d env: # Pod-specific # spec.nodeName: ip-172-20-52-62.ec2.internal - name: OPERATOR_POD_NODE_NAME valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: spec.nodeName # metadata.name: clickhouse-operator-6f87589dbb-ftcsf - name: OPERATOR_POD_NAME valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: metadata.name # metadata.namespace: kube-system - name: OPERATOR_POD_NAMESPACE valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: metadata.namespace # status.podIP: - name: OPERATOR_POD_IP valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: status.podIP # spec.serviceAccount: clickhouse-operator # spec.serviceAccountName: clickhouse-operator - name: OPERATOR_POD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: spec.serviceAccountName # Container-specific - name: OPERATOR_CONTAINER_CPU_REQUEST valueFrom: resourceFieldRef: containerName: clickhouse-operator resource: requests.cpu - name: OPERATOR_CONTAINER_CPU_LIMIT valueFrom: resourceFieldRef: containerName: clickhouse-operator resource: limits.cpu - name: OPERATOR_CONTAINER_MEM_REQUEST valueFrom: resourceFieldRef: containerName: clickhouse-operator resource: requests.memory - name: OPERATOR_CONTAINER_MEM_LIMIT valueFrom: resourceFieldRef: containerName: clickhouse-operator resource: limits.memory - name: metrics-exporter image: altinity/metrics-exporter:0.20.0 imagePullPolicy: Always volumeMounts: - name: etc-clickhouse-operator-folder mountPath: /etc/clickhouse-operator - name: etc-clickhouse-operator-confd-folder mountPath: /etc/clickhouse-operator/conf.d - name: etc-clickhouse-operator-configd-folder mountPath: /etc/clickhouse-operator/config.d - name: etc-clickhouse-operator-templatesd-folder mountPath: /etc/clickhouse-operator/templates.d - name: etc-clickhouse-operator-usersd-folder mountPath: /etc/clickhouse-operator/users.d env: # Pod-specific # spec.nodeName: ip-172-20-52-62.ec2.internal - name: OPERATOR_POD_NODE_NAME valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: spec.nodeName # metadata.name: clickhouse-operator-6f87589dbb-ftcsf - name: OPERATOR_POD_NAME valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: metadata.name # metadata.namespace: kube-system - name: OPERATOR_POD_NAMESPACE valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: metadata.namespace # status.podIP: - name: OPERATOR_POD_IP valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: status.podIP # spec.serviceAccount: clickhouse-operator # spec.serviceAccountName: clickhouse-operator - name: OPERATOR_POD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: spec.serviceAccountName # Container-specific - name: OPERATOR_CONTAINER_CPU_REQUEST valueFrom: resourceFieldRef: containerName: clickhouse-operator resource: requests.cpu - name: OPERATOR_CONTAINER_CPU_LIMIT valueFrom: resourceFieldRef: containerName: clickhouse-operator resource: limits.cpu - name: OPERATOR_CONTAINER_MEM_REQUEST valueFrom: resourceFieldRef: containerName: clickhouse-operator resource: requests.memory - name: OPERATOR_CONTAINER_MEM_LIMIT valueFrom: resourceFieldRef: containerName: clickhouse-operator resource: limits.memory ports: - containerPort: 8888 name: metrics --- # Template Parameters: # # NAMESPACE=kube-system # COMMENT= # # Setup ClusterIP Service to provide monitoring metrics for Prometheus # Service would be created in kubectl-specified namespace # In order to get access outside of k8s it should be exposed as: # kubectl --namespace prometheus port-forward service/prometheus 9090 # and point browser to localhost:9090 kind: Service apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: clickhouse-operator-metrics namespace: kube-system labels: clickhouse.altinity.com/chop: 0.20.0 app: clickhouse-operator spec: ports: - port: 8888 name: clickhouse-operator-metrics selector: app: clickhouse-operator